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Dexwet Air Filters: Field Study-Revolutionary Filter Cleans Air in Class Rooms Throughout the Year

As schools, parents, and local governments weigh the decision to bring students back to school, a municipality 30 miles southwest of the capital city of Vienna in Austria, is field-testing an air filtration technology that could help schools reopen around the world.

The Mayor of Hainfeld and a school principal have turned to Dexwet, a private air filter technology company, to help improve air quality in classrooms by removing airborne pathogens, making it safer for kids to return to the classroom. With guidance from Peter Tappler, one of Austria’s top air quality experts, 1st-grade students at Volksschule Hainfeld school will participate in a month-long field test on the effectiveness of Dexwet’s air purification filters in capturing hazardous particles.

Dexwet Pure Air Filters were selected because they use a uniquely engineered design to capture airborne particles such as allergens, viruses, bacteria, down to nano-fine dust. They are silent, require no energy, and they are sustainable.