Wolfgang Schiketanz, PhD
Member of the Board
Capital Advisor and Financial market expert and asset manager. Wolfgang Schiketanz has many years of experience in portfolio and fund management and in advising private and institutional investors. From 1982 until 1990 he was responsible for the development and evaluation of leverage buyouts and M&A transactions at the Giro Credit Bank in Vienna and New York, from 1990 on he was Head of new issues at Erste Bank and since 1991 head of equity trading at Investkredit.
Since 1993 Schiketanz is managing partner of Schiketanz Capital Advisors GmbH. He is an expert in risk management, trading and asset management and lecturer in quantitative asset management at the University of Applied Sciences of BFI. He entered the Board of Dexwet in the Year 2015 and contributed significantly to the capital market strategy of the Company.